Frankie faison silence of the lambs

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Faison is notable for being the most frequent actor to appear in adaptations of Thomas Harris' Hannibal books: along with Manhunter, he also appeared as Lecter's jailer Barney in The Silence of the Lambs, the sequel Hannibal, and the prequel Red Dragon.

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The Silence of the Lambs Details.

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Clarice navštíví v baltimorské vězeňské nemocnici bývalého vynikajícího psychiatra Hannibala Lectera, odsouzeného na doživotí za sérii brutálních vražd a kanibalismus, který by o vrahovi mohl něco vědět.
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Frankie Faison is an American actor who portrayed Barney Matthews in The Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal, and Red Dragon, and Lt. Fisk in Manhunter.