Life and achievements of aryabhatta contribution

When was aryabhata born

Born in CE in Kusumapura (modern-day Patna, India), Aryabhata was a pioneering mathematician and astronomer whose works have influenced generations of .

life and achievements of aryabhatta contribution

Ramanujan contribution in mathematics

One such figure who mastered this field in the classical age was Aryabhata.

Aryabhata satellite

Born in the Gupta era that is during the rule of the Gupta Dynasty in CE in Kusumapura, Pataliputra, he was known for his extraordinary knowledge in the astronomical field.
Aryabhatta wikipedia
Born in the Gupta era that is during the rule of the Gupta Dynasty in CE in Kusumapura, Pataliputra, he was known for his extraordinary knowledge in the astronomical field.