Savvas savopoulos birthdate
Savvas savopoulos websleuths
Savvas Savopoulos was the CEO of American Iron Works, Inc., (AIW) as well as CEO of Sigma Investment Strategies, LLC. He was a fifth generation Washingtonian and a descendant, on .
Savvas savopoulos birthdate
Savvas Savopoulos was born in Cheverly, MD on September 25, His parents, Philip and Gail Savopoulos of Washington DC and his sister Debra A. Masser and .
Savvas savopoulos birthdate in spanish
Savvas and Amy Savopoulos — as well as their year-old son Phillip and housekeeper Veralicia Figueroa — were savagely murdered inside the family home last g: birthdate.
Savvas savopoulos birthdate in history
The deaths of Savvas Savopoulos, the year-old president of American Iron Works; his wife, Amy, 47; their year-old son, Philip; and housekeeper Veralicia Figueroa, Missing: birthdate.