Savvas savopoulos birthdate

Savvas savopoulos websleuths

Savvas Savopoulos was the CEO of American Iron Works, Inc., (AIW) as well as CEO of Sigma Investment Strategies, LLC. He was a fifth generation Washingtonian and a descendant, on .

savvas savopoulos birthdate

Savvas savopoulos birthdate

Savvas Savopoulos was born in Cheverly, MD on September 25, His parents, Philip and Gail Savopoulos of Washington DC and his sister Debra A. Masser and .

Savvas savopoulos birthdate in spanish

Savvas and Amy Savopoulos — as well as their year-old son Phillip and housekeeper Veralicia Figueroa — were savagely murdered inside the family home last g: birthdate.
Savvas savopoulos birthdate in history
The deaths of Savvas Savopoulos, the year-old president of American Iron Works; his wife, Amy, 47; their year-old son, Philip; and housekeeper Veralicia Figueroa, Missing: birthdate.