Mohamed farrah aidid capture

Mohamed farrah aidid death

Following the 5 June attack on the Pakistanis, the SNA —and by extension, Aidid—were blamed for the death of 25 UNOSOM II peacekeepers, causing him to become one of the first "Wanted Men" of the United Nations.
mohamed farrah aidid capture

Mohamed farrah aidid black hawk down

Aidid's army had overthrown longtime dictator Mohamed Siad Barre two years earlier.

Mohamed farrah aidid son marine

General Mohamed Farrah Hassan Aidid (Somali language: Maxamed Faarax Xasan Caydiid, Arabic language: محمد فرح حسن عيديد‎) (December 15, – August 1, ) was a controversial Somali military leader, often described as a warlord.[1] A former general and diplomat, he was the chairman of the United Somali Congress (USC) and later led the Somali National Alliance (SNA.

Hussein farrah aidid
Almost right away, militias led by the Somali warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidid began attacking and killing U.N. peacekeepers.