Art rosenbaum two finger style old

Two finger rings

An Instruction Method for playing the old-time five-string mountain banjo based on the styles of traditional banjo-pickers.
art rosenbaum two finger style old

Art rosenbaum two finger style old

With Art's materials you will work on 2-finger (both index and thumb lead), old time 3-finger, up-picking (think seeger style), clawhammer and work with a large number of tunings.

Art rosenbaum two finger style old man

2-finger styles has mainly two major patterns: thumb lead and index lead, plus there are a hybrid style where index and thumb lead are mixed (for example Coal Creek March .
Art rosenbaum two finger style old time
Hunt down a copy of Art Rosenbaums first book "Old Time Mountain Banjo" which is out of print but shows up on Amazon, Ebay, etc.